a word from pastor marcus...Welcome to the "Pastor's Articles" page. Here a wide range of theological issues will be indexed for you to read. These are topics that are often misunderstood, but are important to us as Christians. Pastor Marcus has written brief articles to help us understand the facts about these issues along with biblical support to show the proper Christian perspective. If you have questions about other issues, please contact us. We will gladly help you find sound Bible based answers.
Believer and Disciple Benefits
21 Reasons Why Going to Church this Sunday is the Best Plan 17 Ways the Holy Spirit Helps Us The Dual Nature of Jesus Christ A Brief Theology of Work Nine Clues to the Existence of God Six Potential Errors Regarding Faith Healing The Word of God As a Christian, am I required to Give a TITHE to the Church? The Importance of Loving Articulation Why Heterosexual Marriage should be Uniquely Protected by Law The Two Wills of God: God's job of election and my job of obedience |